Sunday, March 8, 2009

"New Moon"

Hey viewers,
Sorry I haven't been blogging the past few weeks, things have been pretty hectic for me. What should I talk about this week?

If you haven't heard or read at all, the next movie coming out is Stephenie Meyer's New Moon, the second book of the series is scheduled to come out November 20, 2009. Now if you have not read this book, its about Bella, who is a horrible state because Edward broke her heart and left her to protect her but in the end hurt her even more. It Bella along time to even try and get over Edward but in the end she could not. As hard as it was for her, she becomes good friends with Jacob Black, a young boy who she used to play with when she would visit her father in the summers when she lived with her mom in Arizona.

Bella decides to try and get herself into trouble, to be daring even though Edward had told her to stay safe, well when she puts herself in danger, she discovers she can hear Edward's voice in her mind telling her to stop, to walk away from the danger she is. This happens multiple times, and most times, she doesn't listen to it, she just lets go all together.

All of a sudden, Jacob stops talking to her, this all happens after Jacob, Bella, and one of Bella's friends get sick from something they may have ate. She tries to talk to Jacob but he just ignores her and this makes all the pain that Edward left her with come back. One day, Bella decides to go find the meadow Edward took her to to show her how is skin acts in sunlight. Once she finds it, finds more danger... she finds Laurent, a vampire from James' pack in the last book. He was out hunting when he found Bella, he was actually looking for her for Victoria, James' lover. Victoria feels that since Edward killed her lover, it is her job to kill Edward's lover instead of Edward himself.

Bella later finds out that when Jacob got sick, it wasn't some 24-hour flu like her or her friend's was, but his official transformation of becoming a werewolf... who is meant to protect his lands from vampires.

I will leave you here wondering what happens next because the story has barely started. Until next time.

I will say this series is wonderful, like I have said before... I urge you, if you like the movie but haven't read the book/s, you should really read them... it just gets better and better as time goes by. See you soon.