Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Movie

Hey Guys,

So, a couple weeks ago, the Twilight movie came out on DVD and from what I heard, everyone was out to go get it. Here in Jamestown, there was a line at Wal-Mart for the movie, wow that usually only happens the day after Thanksgiving. Also, in stores.. they have Twilight merchandise, like they have purses,t-shirts, a cd movie sound track, and jewlery. I'm thinking they are doing pretty good.

I don't know about you guys, but I did buy the DVD, and there was plenty in stock, I didn't have to fight anyone for, haha. The DVD comes with Extended scenes and music videos from Paramore, Linkin Park, and Muse. Also it includes audio commentary by the two main stars of the movie, Kristen Steward (Bella) and Robert Pattinson (Edward), and also the director Catherine Hardwicke.

This movie is said the be the most epic romance since Titanic. -
Also its a full-blown pop culture phenomenon. - Gina McIntyer of the Los Angeles Times

I am going to have to say I am very excited to see how the next movie turns out and hopefully they will have the same actors/actresses playing the same roles, I don't know if I could picture different people playing the main characters that we have all come to know and love.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

"New Moon"

Hey viewers,
Sorry I haven't been blogging the past few weeks, things have been pretty hectic for me. What should I talk about this week?

If you haven't heard or read at all, the next movie coming out is Stephenie Meyer's New Moon, the second book of the series is scheduled to come out November 20, 2009. Now if you have not read this book, its about Bella, who is a horrible state because Edward broke her heart and left her to protect her but in the end hurt her even more. It Bella along time to even try and get over Edward but in the end she could not. As hard as it was for her, she becomes good friends with Jacob Black, a young boy who she used to play with when she would visit her father in the summers when she lived with her mom in Arizona.

Bella decides to try and get herself into trouble, to be daring even though Edward had told her to stay safe, well when she puts herself in danger, she discovers she can hear Edward's voice in her mind telling her to stop, to walk away from the danger she is. This happens multiple times, and most times, she doesn't listen to it, she just lets go all together.

All of a sudden, Jacob stops talking to her, this all happens after Jacob, Bella, and one of Bella's friends get sick from something they may have ate. She tries to talk to Jacob but he just ignores her and this makes all the pain that Edward left her with come back. One day, Bella decides to go find the meadow Edward took her to to show her how is skin acts in sunlight. Once she finds it, finds more danger... she finds Laurent, a vampire from James' pack in the last book. He was out hunting when he found Bella, he was actually looking for her for Victoria, James' lover. Victoria feels that since Edward killed her lover, it is her job to kill Edward's lover instead of Edward himself.

Bella later finds out that when Jacob got sick, it wasn't some 24-hour flu like her or her friend's was, but his official transformation of becoming a werewolf... who is meant to protect his lands from vampires.

I will leave you here wondering what happens next because the story has barely started. Until next time.

I will say this series is wonderful, like I have said before... I urge you, if you like the movie but haven't read the book/s, you should really read them... it just gets better and better as time goes by. See you soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ratings and Reviews

I decided this blog should be about the ratings and reviews the Twilight series has gotten in the past. Most ratings I found were between 4 and 5 stars on a 5 star scale. Many reviews I read said Twilight, the book and the movie were both really good also that it became one of their favorite books they have every read. I know that I really enjoyed reading this book or this series. I just finished the last book of the series, Breaking Dawn. Before reading this book, I never used to like to read, I always thought that it was a waste of time and people could probably find something better to do. Many suggested that people who like to read should sit down and read these books, they are very entertaining and it seems to be very difficult to put them down until you absolutely have to or when you finally finish the book. Also, if you have seen the movie and read the book, the actors in the movie who had played each character did a great job protraying that particular part. The movie also sticks to book very closely which doesn't seem to happen very often with movies about novels.
Review on Twilight

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How did it come to be?

How did "Twlight" come to be?
If you have read the "Twilight" series, have you ever wondered why or what gave the author, Stephanie Meyer, the idea to write it? Meyer had a dream about two people arguing in a meadow about how they were falling in love with eachother. Of course, one of them was just an average girl and the other was a vampire, whose, because he was standing in the meadow out in the sun, was seemed to be have been sparkling. Meyer hadn't written much of anything for about six years before she had this dream. She started writing right away before she lost the scene in her head. She mostly wrote and night writing about a chapter or more a day. It took her about three months to write this novel.
Meyer had to do some researching about where the story would take place and about the names of some of the main characters in the story. She had used Google as her main search engine. She had looked for a small and rainy place with a forest and found that Washington state and an Olympic Peninsula. She had also found pictures of the the small town Forks, WA which sold her to have that in her story.
The two main characters in Meyer's story had been, from what she wrote, were talking in her head. She couldn't get away from her computer at home. It seemed to take her quite some time to find someone to publish her book. In the end, it took about three months to write her book and about three months to get it published. If you would like to read the entire story, click here.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The "Twilight" Series

Hello blog viewers!
I think I have decided to blog about the Twilight book series (not just because that is what are teacher had had for an example but because that's all I can think about because I have read the first two books, Twilight and New Moon, and I am almost finished reading the third book Eclipse). I know that I didn't know much about this book series until just before the "Twilight" movie came out into theaters. I really enjoyed reading the first book, I had gotten into it right away which is different for me because I haven't really enjoyed taking the time to sit down and read a book for entertainment.
I am going to try really hard not to tell you about the entire Twilight book because I am sure some of you viewers have seen the movie but I will tell you about the main key points. As you know, Bella Swan has moved to Forks, WA from Phoenix, AZ and meets Edward Cullen who she finds out to be a vampire. They become really good friends after awhile into the story and later become more than just friends. Bella gets to know Edward very well and discovers his entire family are a group of vampires who do not act as the vampires we see in the movies but what we would call "vegitarians" or vampires who do not hunt humans but hunt animals for nourishment. To get straight to the end Edward and his family saves Bella from a blood thirsty vampire who wants to hunt Bella down and kill her for just the fun of it.
I feel that if you like to read and like the suspense and the intensity of a good book, you should sit down and read this book.
I would love to hear or read what you think of my blog and tell me your thoughts and feelings. If you would like to know more about the Twilight series, here is a web site to help you out: